Friday, 9 December 2011

My Leaving Letter

Yesterday I received my demobilazation letter from our site commisioning manager Anguel Gazenov. I had already said that I was not keen to stay here much longer, so I was expecting to leave just before Christmas. Anyway I have two more weeks out here before flying back home on 22nd December. Our Northern friend John Cunnell (picture), one of the Phoenix club members, and owner of the 5o5 club, is one of the latest victims. He, along with Phoenix club owner Joe Wegener and member from Scotland, Michael O'Hare, have departed from site this week. John is looking for work in Australia, but before that will visit the uk for a week or so before heading back home in the Philipinnes to his wife, and laying by the pool for a few weeks. We had a few drinks at the JK Camp bar, to say goodbye to the above people. It was a good evening. No picture though!

I managed to return to the gym for two and a half hours this morning, after a three week break. My legs are killing me now, so I may just rest after lunch, and have a lazy afternoon. Later!


  1. So are you going to start a 'Rob in Bracknell' blog?

  2. No Rob-in-Bracknell Blog. Just does not have the same ring to it!

  3. Hi,The company’s primary activity with Business setup in Qatar must relate to financial services (i.e. banking, insurance or investment advice) or its support Thanks....
